
Leaf Shield Gutter Guard Products

Most of our products are certified as food safe, so water collection is not contaminated with any coatings or paints as these products are specially coated with safe materials with water quality in mind.

There are many different products to choose from based on your needs, so either click here to use the quote form to get our professional assistance, or help decide for yourself on your best product by studying the product selection chart below. You can also call us directly on the below number if preferred.


Gutter Guard Specifications Premium Leafmesh® Fine Leafmesh® Diamond Aluminium Guttermesh 660 GSM
Material UV Treated Polyethylene Aluminium or Stainless Steel* Aluminium UV Treated Polyethylene
Hole Shape Diamond Small Squares Diamond Diamond
Water Quantity High Moderate Moderate Moderate
Water Quality Moderate High Moderate Diamond
Heavy Duty Yes Stainless Steel Option Only No No
Birds Yes Yes Yes Yes
Possums Yes Maybe No Maybe
Fire Rating 6 1 0 6
Stops Ember Attack Yes Yes Yes Yes
UV Protected Yes N/A N/A Yes
Stops Small leaves No Yes No Yes
Stops Fine Leaves No Yes No No
Australian Made Yes Yes China Yes
Number of Colours 13 Black* 9 12
Manufacturers Warranty 10 Years 15 Years 15 Years 10 Years
Fade Resistant Yes N/A No Yes
Warranty On Installation 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years


* Stainless Steel option attracts an additional charge * Black – Can be coloured to match roof at an additional charge

Product Summary

  • Leaf Mesh gutter protection is designed for maximum water collection and yet strong enough to stop medium to large or twigs and birds from entering your gutters and roof
  • Fine Leaf Mesh guttermesh is perfect for fine leaves such as Jacarandas, fine pine needles and improved tank water quality, can be coloured to match gutter at an additional charge
  • Diamond Aluminium gutter mesh is a zero fire rated mesh. Made available to comply with some council fire requirements
  • Guttermesh is a lighter weight Leaf mesh suitable for some small leaf situations.

Call us now on 1300 362 246