Q. How do I stop Leaves Blocking my gutters and valleys?
Answer: Install a quality Gutter Protection system like Leafshield’s gutter guard system that stop leaves from blocking the valleys and gutters.
Q. Why install Leafshield’s gutter guard system?
Answer: Many people install gutter guard because it is too dangerous to climb onto the roof and clean the gutters themselves. Blocked gutters and valleys can cause major water damage inside the house. Roofers and builders in the Insurance industry believe that most water damage to ceilings is caused by broken tiles and valleys blocked with leaves. Many insurance companies ask that Gutter guard be installed prior to repairing water damaged ceilings.
Q. Is Leafshield suitable in bushfire zones?
Yes we have a quality Diamond Aluminium mesh which has a fire rating of 0 (Zero) and our Stainless steel and Aluminium fineleafmesh is fire rated 1 (one). Bushfire regulations require a gutter guard with a rating of less than 5. Any gutter guard will keep you gutters free from leaves and reduce the risk of ember attack in a bushfire.
Q. Do I have to clean the gutters first?
Answer: No, we do it for you! It would be difficult to clean out the gutters after the installation has been completed, so we offer a complimentary clean with every gutter guard installation.
Q. Do we advise customers if their gutters are rusted?
Answer: Yes, we would advise the customer if gutters need replacing or repair. Leafshield can often recommend a suitable plumber to assist you with replacing or repairing your gutters. Leafshield Gutter Protection will arrange to complete the installation at a later date once the gutters have been fixed.
Q. Is Leafmesh made in Australia?
Answer: Yes our Premium Leafmesh and Guttermesh by Tapex P/L is 100% Australian Made. Tapex P/L a Fifth generation Australian company since 1880 offers a 10-year unconditional manufacturers warranty on their UV Treated High Density Guttermesh products and Leafshield offer an extended warranty of 15 years on Leafmesh.
Q. Which Gutter or Leaf guard works the best on a Metal Corrugated Roof or Trimdek roof?
Answer: The most important thing is that the guard is attached to the roof between 250mm and 330mm up the roof, over the gutter and attached firmly to the edge of the gutter using a colour matched angle trim. This method of installation completely stops any leaves or pests entering your gutters and valleys, and encourages leaves to simply slide off the roof. Cliplock and flat rooves are often pan fixed to stop leaves getting in, but the mesh will need to be cleaned off regularly.
Q. Which Gutter or Leaf Guard works the best on a Tiled Roof?
Answer: Any system that attaches to the edge of the gutter then slips under the second tile of the roof works well, because the pitch of the roof is maintained and this encourages the leaves to simply slide off instead of sitting in your gutters. It is important that an gutter guard maintains the pitch of the roof. This is called the ski slope effect.
Q. Will I see my Leafshield gutter guard?
Answer: You may see a small section of the mesh because we maintain the pitch of the roof. It is possible to install in-gutter systems that cannot be seen. However we have chosen not to include them in our product arrange as they create more work and do not work well.
Q. Why not an in-gutter system?
Answer: If you want a low maintenance gutter guard system then we do not recommend in-gutter systems. In- gutter systems all require considerable mainentance as the leaves will not slide off but will sit on the mesh and eventually break down and block off the gutters. We regularly replace failed in-gutter systems with Leafshield. There are three types of in-gutter systems :
1.Product place in the gutter: eg the Brush style in approx 2m lengths and lengths of plastic rolled up and placed in the gutter. The home owner needs to regularly remove the mesh or brush, so that they can clean out the gutters and “guard” before replacing it back into the gutters.
2.Other systems create a shelf (usually made in colorbond steel or cheese grater style aluminium sheets) where the leaves sit and build up until they are cleaned off. These in gutter, gutter guard systems are difficult to remove for cleaning purposes or if you wish to replace them.
3. Foam wedge placed in the gutter to prevent leaves entering the gutter to act as a gutter filter. Like most filters they will soon silt up then need to be removed for cleaning. Foam gutter guards have been used for years in USA -gutter repairers and gutter cleaners claim that gutters are being prematurely replaced due to rusting!
Q. Who installs Leafshield gutter guard products?
Answer: We only use experienced gutter guard installers to install all our gutter protection systems. Our installers hold blue or white cards and are trained to work safely at heights. Leafshield Gutter Protection Qld prides it’s self on quality installations that will last well past the warranty period. Leafshield offers a 10-year workmanship warranty on all their gutter protection systems. Our Gutter Guard Products have been keeping leaves out of gutters since 1995.
Q. Will Leaf Shield stop Jacarandas, Poinsianas, Leopard trees and Wattles?
Answer: Yes our Fine Leaf mesh will stop these very fine leaves from blocking your gutters. These installations may still need bi-annual cleans to remove the leaf matter from the roof.
Q. Will Leafshield prevent lice making a home in my roof and ants nesting in my gutters?
Answer: Leafshield Gutter Protection Systems will stop Birds and other wildlife from nesting in the roof which will eventually stop the associated lice, smell and noise. Ants and cochroaches often nest in gutters filled with leaves, so clean gutters can often stop this problem as well.
Q. Will Leafshield stop Possums and birds nesting in my gutters and roof cavity?
Answer: Yes, a quality gutter guard or leaf guard properly installed will not only stop all types of leaves but will also Possum proof, rat proof, snake proof and bird proof your home. We suggest you speak to a professional about the correct way to remove the animal/s and or their nest. Then we can seal off the roof (using a quality gutter guard) to prevent them returning. It is important that any nests are removed, particularly if they have eggs or young, because any animal will find a way back to it’s young if it is still inside.
Q. Does Leafshield Gutter Protection offer after sales service?
Answer: Yes, we receive many referrals because leafshield works and we look after our clients. In areas where there is heavy debris we offer annual or bi annual clean-offs at reasonable rates. We send clean off reminder letters to our customers between July and September and many of our customers arrange annual clean offs.
Q. Why choose Leafshield Gutter Protection Qld?
Answer: If you live in South East Qld then we are the only gutter guard company that has consistently installed gutter guard products since 1995 in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Ipswich and Sunshine Coast. Many other companies including Leafbusters, Four Seasons Gutter Protection and Guttershield have installed in Brisbane and South East Queensland, all for varying periods of time, often on a franchise system. On numerous occasions Leafshield has been able to assist customers of these companies with clean offs and repairs, when the franchisee ceases trading. These companies do not have there head offices in Qld so seem to flit in and out of Qld and cannot provide the same service on an ongoing basis that a local company such as Leafshield Gutter Protection Qld can provide.
Call us now on 1300 36 22 46 for a free no obligation quote and receive a free gutter clean with every installation.